Tragopan Security

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Communications Policy

1. Introduction

Tragopan Security Solutions recognizes the importance of effective communication in maintaining our reputation, transparency, and professionalism. This Communications Policy outlines guidelines for both internal and external communication, including interactions with the media and the use of social media platforms.

2. Communication Guidelines

a. Internal Communication

  • i. Email and Internal Messaging: Employees are encouraged to use official company email addresses and internal messaging platforms for work-related communication. All internal messages should be professional, respectful, and in line with our company’s values.
  • ii. Meetings and Discussions: Effective communication is essential in meetings and discussions.
    Employees should actively participate, listen attentively, and maintain confidentiality when
    discussing sensitive matters.

b. External Communication

  • i. Client Interaction: When interacting with clients, employees must uphold a professional demeanor, maintain client confidentiality, and provide accurate and relevant information to address client inquiries and concerns.
  • ii. Written Communication: All written communication, including reports, letters, and emails,
    should be clear, concise, and free of spelling and grammatical errors.
  • iii. Phone Etiquette: When answering phone calls, employees should use a professional tone,
    identify themselves and the company, and handle calls promptly and courteously.

c. Social Media Usage

  • i. Personal Social Media: While employees have the right to maintain personal social media accounts, they should exercise caution and avoid posting content that may negatively impact the company’s reputation or disclose confidential information. Employees should refrain from representing themselves as official spokespersons of Tragopan Security Solutions on personal social media.
  • ii. Official Social Media: The company’s official social media accounts are managed by authorized personnel. Any content shared on official accounts should be accurate, respectful, and consistent with the company’s values and brand image.

d. Media Contact

  • i. Media Inquiries: All media inquiries should be directed to the designated company spokesperson or the CEO. Employees should not provide statements, interviews, or comments to the media without prior approval.
  • ii. Press Releases: The creation and distribution of press releases should be coordinated through the Marketing and Communications department or the CEO.
  • iii. Crisis Management: In the event of a crisis or emergency situation, employees should refrain from making statements to the media or posting on social media platforms. All media responses should be centrally managed.

3. Key Contacts

– CEO: Zulfiqar Ahmed
– Designated Spokesperson: Imran Ahmad
– Marketing and Communications Department: Imran Ahmad

4. Review and Updates

This Communications Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its relevance and effectiveness. Any updates or revisions will be communicated to all employees.

By adhering to the guidelines outlined in this policy, Tragopan Security Solutions aims to maintain a strong and positive public image, while ensuring consistent and effective communication within the company.