Tragopan Security

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Environmental Policy

Tragopan Security Solutions recognises its responsibility to ensure that its business activities do the least possible damage to the environment. The company aims to eliminate or minimize the impact on environments due to its existence.

(The first company logo was carefully selected to depict our nature loving policies).

As a company we will continually improve environmental standards throughout the business.

TSS will also continually aim to raise the environmental awareness and commitment of our employees through communication and will aim to keep subcontractors and suppliers to its environmental standards and principles.

All new and existing personnel and persons working on behalf of the Company are made aware of the Environmental Policy either during internal communication (e.g. displayed within the Company workplace), on-going training or Company Induction.

The following objectives have been set in order to reach our environmental policy aims:


  • Compliance with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and other requirements in relation to its environmental aspects.
  • Aim to choose energy and material efficient suppliers and products where cost allows.
  • Re-use or recycling of waste materials whenever possible, prior to disposal.
  • Aim to minimise resource (materials, fuel and energy) usage in every day work where
    possible, recycling and using alternative options (email, tablets
  • Minimise all emissions and discharges (noise, gaseous, solid and liquid) ensuring compliance
    with all regulatory controls.
  • Consideration of environmental effects and commitment to pollution prevention in all business decisions including the purchase and disposal of materials and/or equipment and the adoption of new technology/processes.
  • Minimise the risk to the public and employees from operations and activities undertaken by
    the Company.
  • Encourage all third parties involved with our business to adopt a policy of environmental management.
  • Maintain staff training on the impact of human activities upon the environment.
  • Provide adequate resources for the achievement and review of the policy objectives.

The director is overall responsible for implementation of Environmental Policy.