Tragopan Security

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Social corporate Responsibilty Policy

Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSER) Policy

The management of Tragopan Security Solutions (TSS) recognise that community efforts through ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ are essential to sustainable business practice. We aim to keep developing robust policy spanning economic, social, ethical and environmental sustainability, supported by an effective communications programme. We always adhere to the principles of the Ethical Trading Initiative’s Base Code.

As a responsible company, we believe that our long-term future is best served by respecting the interests of all our stakeholders: employees, clients, suppliers and the wider public. In keeping with our company values, we look actively for opportunities to improve the environment and to contribute to the wellbeing of the communities which we serve. Our CSR policy sets out the principles we follow and the programmes we have developed to focus on the areas where we have significant impact or influence.


Shared responsibility
Social and environmental responsibility involves everyone. We aim to develop and implement social and environmental policies which fit in with our employees’ everyday activities and responsibilities.

Honesty and accountability
We will communicate our environmental policies, objectives and performance openly and honestly to our employees and to others with an interest in our activities including clients and suppliers. We will encourage them to communicate with us and will seek their views.

Sustainable progress
We are committed to continually improving our performance. We will take into account technological developments, changing scientific evidence, costs and client concerns and expectations in the development and implementation of all new social and environmental policies and procedures. We will monitor our performance, set objectives for improvements and report our progress.

Demonstrable compliance
As a minimum, we will meet or exceed all relevant legislation. Where no legislation exists we will seek to develop and implement our own appropriate standards.


Tragopan Security Solutions recognises its responsibility to ensure that its business activities do the least possible damage to the environment. The company aims to eliminate or minimize the impact on environments due to its existence. As a company we will continually improve environmental standards throughout the business. TSS will also continually aim to raise the environmental awareness and commitment of our employees through communication and will aim to keep subcontractors and suppliers to its environmental standards and principles.
All new and existing personnel and persons working on behalf of the Company are made aware of the Environmental Policy either during internal communication (e.g. displayed within the Company workplace), on-going training or Company Induction.

The following objectives have been set in order to reach our environmental policy aims:

  • Compliance with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and other requirements in relation to its environmental aspects.
  • Aim to choose energy and material efficient suppliers and products where cost allows (e.g. using energy efficient vehicles)
  • Re-use or recycling of waste (e.g. toner cartridges, computer equipment and mobile phones) whenever possible, prior to disposal.
  • Aim to minimise resource (materials, fuel, etc) usage in every day work where possible, recycling and using alternative options (email, tablet, switching electronics off when not in use, etc)
  • Encourage all third parties involved with our business to adopt a policy of environmental management.
  • Maintain staff training on the impact of human activities upon the environment.
  • Provide adequate resources for the achievement and review of the policy objectives.

We will conduct our business relationships with integrity and courtesy and honour our trading commitments. Our aim is to build long-term relationships with our suppliers. We are committed to trading fairly with all our suppliers and will communicate our
responsible sourcing expectations to them in the areas of health, safety and worker welfare, sustainable and profitable production methods and good environmental practice.

We will build relationships with our clients, suppliers and the local communities we are part of by encouraging our employees to consider the needs of others and involve themselves in public service.

We employ local labour and support local suppliers wherever possible, as this not only benefits the local community, but also fosters community within our workforce.

We continue to offer low cost services to not-for-profit organisations, actively participate in local social activities and on occasion offer complementary services for local events.


We will respect our employees and encourage their development and training. We will continue to deliver training and suitable professional development to our staff, enabling them to fulfil their personal goals.

TSS is a multicultural and multi-faith organisation. We will promote equality as differences in responsibilities permit and consider the interests of our employees, including their welfare, health and safety, and mental health. We are committed to policing our Equal Opportunities Policy to ensure that no job applicant, employee, client, supplier or visitor receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, race, disability, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, marital status, sexuality, family responsibility, age, trade union membership, religious belief or political opinion.

We aim to empower our employees and we will recognise individual contributions and reward them fairly. Our ultimate aim is the happiness of our employees through their worthwhile and satisfying employment in a successful business.

Tragopan Security business

objectives and values Our business values are the foundation of our approach to work and are designed to guide staff and help them to recognise the contribution they make.


We pledge to:

  • Strive to deliver consistently high-quality standards of service to the whole of our client portfolio
  • Make continuous improvements in our standards, working in partnership with our clients
  • Employ our resources in a way that maximises economy, efficiency and effectiveness
  • Operate in a wholly ethical, honest and professional manner
  • Ensure members of our senior management team are available to speak with clients at any reasonable time
  • Promote a working environment which is fair and in which all employees are valued, regardless of race, colour, gender or faith
  • Treat all customers and staff with courtesy and respect and reward loyalty