Tragopan Security

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Supply chain diversity Policy

1. Introduction: At Tragopan Security Solutions, we are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive supply chain. We recognize the value of working with suppliers who represent the rich tapestry of our society, including businesses owned by individuals from diverse ethnic backgrounds, genders, sexual orientations, disabilities, and other underrepresented groups. This policy aims to promote supplier diversity and expand opportunities for such businesses within our supply chain.

2. Objectives: a. To actively seek and engage with diverse suppliers to ensure a more inclusive supply chain. b. To create opportunities for diverse businesses, helping them to grow and prosper. c. To foster long-term partnerships with diverse suppliers based on mutual respect and shared values. d. To continuously monitor and assess our supplier diversity efforts to drive improvement.

3. Definitions: a. Diverse Supplier: A business that is at least 51% owned, controlled, and operated by individuals from underrepresented groups, which may include ethnic minorities, women, LGBTQ+ individuals, persons with disabilities, veterans, or other minority classifications, as recognized by applicable laws and regulations. b. Supply Chain: The network of suppliers, vendors, contractors, and partners that contribute to the goods and services provided by Tragopan Security Solutions.

4. Supplier Engagement: a. Tragopan Security Solutions will actively seek diverse suppliers when sourcing products, services, and materials. b. We will encourage diverse suppliers to register with our procurement team to be considered for future business opportunities. c. Our procurement team will maintain a database of diverse suppliers and regularly communicate with them about potential business prospects.

5. Supplier Selection Criteria: a. Inclusion of diverse suppliers will be one of the criteria in the supplier selection process, along with other factors such as quality, cost, reliability, and alignment with our company values. b. Tragopan Security Solutions will provide equal consideration to diverse suppliers during the bidding and evaluation process.

6. Supplier Development and Support: a. We will collaborate with diverse suppliers to help them meet our requirements and quality standards, offering assistance and support as needed. b. Tragopan Security Solutions may provide mentoring, training, and capacity-building programs to enable diverse suppliers to enhance their capabilities and competitiveness.

7. Monitoring and Reporting: a. We will regularly track and analyze our supplier diversity efforts to measure progress and identify areas for improvement. b. Periodic reports on supplier diversity performance will be presented to senior management to ensure accountability and transparency.

8. Collaboration and Partnerships: a. Tragopan Security Solutions will actively engage with external organizations and networks that promote supplier diversity to leverage expertise and expand our reach. b. We will seek opportunities to collaborate with other businesses committed to supplier diversity to strengthen collective efforts.

9. Commitment to Continuous Improvement: We recognize that achieving meaningful supplier diversity is an ongoing journey. Tragopan Security Solutions will continuously review and enhance our supply chain diversity policy to align with best practices and industry standards.

10. Communication: This policy will be communicated internally and externally to ensure all relevant stakeholders are aware of our commitment to supplier diversity.