Tragopan Security

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Whistle blowing & Protected disclosure Policy

1. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish a clear framework for employees and stakeholders to report any concerns related to illegal activities, unethical behavior, or any other wrongdoing within Tragopan Security Solutions. The company is committed to addressing such concerns promptly and protecting the whistleblowers from any retaliation.

2. Scope: This policy applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, clients, and any other individuals connected to Tragopan Security Solutions.

3. Definitions: a. Whistleblower: An individual who reports a concern or disclosure under this policy. b. Protected Disclosure: Any report made in good faith, raising concerns about malpractice, impropriety, illegal activities, or unethical behavior within the company.

4. Reporting Channels: a. Employees and stakeholders can make a protected disclosure using any of the following channels:

  • Direct reporting to their immediate supervisor or manager.
  • Contacting the HR department.
  • Utilizing a designated email address or hotline specifically set up for whistleblowing purposes.

5. Confidentiality: a. All protected disclosures will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. The identity of the whistleblower will be protected to the extent allowed by law, and efforts will be made to ensure anonymity if requested. b. The disclosure will only be shared with individuals who need to be involved in the investigation or resolution of the reported concern.

6. Protection from Retaliation: a. Tragopan Security Solutions strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against employees or stakeholders who make a protected disclosure in good faith. b. Any act of retaliation against a whistleblower will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, depending on the severity of the offense.

7. Investigation Process: a. The company will initiate a thorough investigation upon receipt of a protected disclosure. b. The investigation will be carried out by a designated individual or committee to ensure impartiality. c. The whistleblower will be informed about the progress and outcome of the investigation to the extent allowed by law.

8. False or Malicious Allegations: a. Making false or malicious allegations with the intention of causing harm to others is a serious offense. b. Anyone found to be making false or malicious allegations may be subject to disciplinary action.

9. Non-Retaliation Reporting: Tragopan Security Solutions will provide periodic updates and training to all employees and stakeholders about this policy, emphasizing the importance of reporting wrongdoing and the protection against retaliation.

10. Review of the Policy: This policy will be periodically reviewed to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with any changes in applicable laws or regulations.

Remember to adapt this policy to the specific needs and regulations of your company and the UK, and seek legal counsel to ensure its compliance with the law.